WeCan! The role of youth workers in local development – Training course 2019: a video

Erasmus+ Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals – 2018-3-IT03-KA105-015023

Training course – Anticoli Corrado (RM) – 10-16 June 2019
Associazione A.P.S. Tavola Rotonda ETS, Roma, Italy

In partnership with Mtü Noortevahetuse Arengu Ühing Estyes (Estonia), INEX – Sdružení dobrovolných aktivit, z. s. (Czech Republic), Citizens in action (Greece), Hors Pistes (France), Kinning Park Complex (United Kingdom), Comarca de la Jacetania (Spain).

Youth leaders need to increase their skills in the ability to activate territorial networks and participation in order to mobilize the community and each individual actor to participate in local development. The civil economy and the sharing economy offer methodological inputs and guidelines to follow in order to work on this process. The common good and the community are elements from which to improve the involvement of all the actors towards a re-launch of the territories and the feeling of citizenship and participation.

It is important to focus on young people and know how to involve them by enhancing their skills and creativity, avoiding marginalization and isolation.

We Can is a training course for youth leaders with the aim of increasing the skills of educators to be process facilitators who, through participatory planning and networking among different stakeholders, promote and work on local development towards a wellness community, which have not only economic but also social objectives. The training follows the values and principles of the sharing and civil economy, promoting cooperative governance with the integrated use of different participatory methodologies coming from non-formal and informal education.

The training is developed in 4 phases: presentation, input, output and follow-up. The participants from 7 countries, in 7 days of training, have the opportunity to receive and experiment new knowledge, share and network their skills, transform the input received into output through a creative group process and plan follow-up activities and dissemination of results outside the project.

From 10 to 16 June 2019, the village of Anticoli Corrado, a small town in the Aniene valley, hosted a group of 23 people from Italy, Greece, Spain, Estonia, Czech Republic, Great Britain and France.

This training, which in the short term is an opportunity for training and updating for youth leaders, in the long run fits among the seeds planted to work ever more to the development of communities and inclusive societies that know how to work on their local development through the enhancement of people and resources, both public and private, towards a common goal of community welfare.

Music: www.bensound.com

Results (in italian)